6 research outputs found

    Gamificación y uso de juegos para la enseñanza de hojas de cálculo en el bachillerato

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi SAP129. Curs: 2018/2019.En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta de material educativo mediante la implementación de gamificación y varios juegos educativos para la enseñanza de hojas de cálculo, en la asignatura Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación I de 1º de Bachillerato. Para esta propuesta se ha empleado el modelo de gamificación Octalysis, que es una herramienta muy potente para la creación de sistemas gamificados. Aunque todo el material no se ha podido probar en un entorno educativo, la versatilidad del material debería facilitar su uso futuro y permitir su adaptación a diversos niveles y cursos

    A New Virtual Reality Interface for Underwater Intervention Missions

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    Ponencia presentada en IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 53, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 14600-14607Nowadays, most underwater intervention missions are developed through the well-known work-class ROVs (Remote Operated Vehicles), equipped with teleoperated arms under human supervision. Thus, despite the appearance on the market of the first prototypes of the so-called I-AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for Intervention), the most mature technology associated with ROVs continues to be trusted. In order to fill the gap between ROVs and incipient I-AUVs technology, new research is under progress in our laboratory. In particular, new HRI (Human Robot Interaction) capabilities are being tested inside a three-year Spanish coordinated project focused on cooperative underwater intervention missions. In this work new results are presented concerning a new user interface which includes immersion capabilities through Virtual Reality (VR) technology. It is worth noting that a new HRI module has been demonstrated, through a pilot study, in which the users had to solve some specific tasks, with minimum guidance and instructions, following simple Problem Based Learning (PBL) scheme. Finally, it is noticeable that, although this is only a work in progress, the obtained results are promising concerning friendly and intuitive characteristics of the developed HRI module. Thus, some critical aspects, like complexity fall, training time and cognitive fatigue of the ROV pilot, seem more affordable now

    Preliminary Work on a Virtual Reality Interface for the Guidance of Underwater Robots

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    The need for intervention in underwater environments has increased in recent years but there is still a long way to go before AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicleswill be able to cope with really challenging missions. Nowadays, the solution adopted is mainly based on remote operated vehicle (ROV) technology. These ROVs are controlled from support vessels by using unnecessarily complex human–robot interfaces (HRI). Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the complexity of these systems to make them easier to use and to reduce the stress on the operator. In this paper, and as part of the TWIN roBOTs for the cooperative underwater intervention missions (TWINBOT) project, we present an HRI (Human-Robot Interface) module which includes virtual reality (VR) technology. In fact, this contribution is an improvement on a preliminary study in this field also carried out, by our laboratory. Hence, having made a concerted effort to improve usability, the HRI system designed for robot control tasks presented in this paper is substantially easier to use. In summary, reliability and feasibility of this HRI module have been demonstrated thanks to the usability tests, which include a very complete pilot study, and guarantee much more friendly and intuitive properties in the final HRI-developed module presented here

    The robot programming network

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    The Robot Programming Network (RPN) is an initiative for creating a network of robotics education laboratories with remote programming capabilities. It consists of both online open course materials and online servers that are ready to execute and test the programs written by remote students. Online materials include introductory course modules on robot programming, mobile robotics and humanoids, aimed to learn from basic concepts in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to more advanced programming skills. The students have access to the online server hosts, where they submit and run their programming code on the fly. The hosts run a variety of robot simulation environments, and access to real robots can also be granted, upon successful achievement of the course modules. The learning materials provide step-by-step guidance for solving problems with increasing level of dif- ficulty. Skill tests and challenges are given for checking the success, and online competitions are scheduled for additional motivation and fun. Use of standard robotics middleware (ROS) allows the system to be extended to a large number of robot platforms, and connected to other existing tele-laboratories for building a large social network for online teaching of robotics.Support of IEEE RAS through the CEMRA program (Creation of Educational Material for Robotics and Automation) is gratefully acknowledged. This paper describes research done at the Robotic Intelligence Laboratory. Support for this laboratory is provided in part by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (DPI2011-27846), by Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEOII/2014/028) and by Universitat Jaume I (P1-1B2011-54)

    Representaciones de vocabularios en tareas de traducción automática mediante modelos conexionistas

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    Trabajos anteriores de traducción automática con modelos conexionistas han obtenido resultados interesantes pero han resultado muy problemáticos de adaptar a tareas reales. En este trabajo se parte del modelo RECONTRA (una red de Elman con ventana de entrada) y se abordan tareas de traducción más complejas, se explora cómo crear codificaciones automáticamente, se desarrollan nuevos modelos de traducción y se combinan distintas redes en un único sistema. Se han desarrollado varios modelos conexionista basados en Perceptrones Multicapa con ventanas de salida, por lo que tiene en cuenta el contexto de aparición de las palabras a representar. Además de diversos métodos de entrenamiento, se aplica poda para determinar el tamaño de las codificaciones. Se han creado variantes del modelo RECONTRA: con dos capas, en el que la primera capa oculta desarrolla representaciones de las palabras de la entrada; y con ventana de salida, en las que el traductor debe traducir un fragmento de la frase, no una única palabra. También se han explorado formas de combinar redes en único sistema de traducción, basándose en votación y la distancia entre la palabra producida por la red (o frase) y la palabra (o frase) más cercana

    Generación automática de codificaciones de vocabularios para Traducción Automatica mediante Redes Neuronales

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    Recientemente los autores han desarrollado un método que, utilizando un sencillo modelo conexionista, genera codificaciones de palabras de un vocabulario a partir de ejemplos de frases del lenguaje implicado. Estas codificaciones han demostrado experimentalmente que son útiles para abordar tareas de Traducción Automática en dominios semánticos restringidos. Sin embargo, el método no es completamente automático, dado que depende de la elección del tamaño a priori de las codificaciones. La incorporación de un sencillo mecanismo de poda de las unidades del modelo conexionista ha transformado este método en completamente automático